You are not required to select one of these books for your presentation, but here are some ideas to get you started:
Systems of mobility
De Lara, Juan. 2018. Inland Shift: Race, Space, and Capital in Southern California.
Gopakumar, Govind. 2020. Installing Automobility: Emerging Politics of Mobility and Streets in Indian Cities.
Henderson, Jason. 2013. Street Fight: The Politics of Mobility in San Francisco.
Khalili, Laleh. 2021. Sinews of War and Trade: Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula.
Spinney, Justin. 2021. Understanding Urban Cycling: Exploring the Relationship between Mobility, Sustainability, and Capital.
Stehlin, John. 2019. Cyclescapes of the Unequal City: Bicycle Infrastructure and Uneven Development.
Structures of mobility
Cowen, Deborah. 2014. The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade.
Enright, Theresa. 2016. The Making of Grand Paris: Metropolitan Urbanism in the Twenty-First Century.
Karuka, Manu. 2019. Empire’s Tracks: Indigenous Nations, Chinese Workers, and the Transcontinental Railroad.
Prytherch, David. 2018. Law, Engineering, and the American Right-of-Way: Imagining a More Just Street.
Prytherch, David. 2025. Reclaiming the Road: Mobility Justice beyond Complete Streets.
Shell, Jacob. 2015. Transportation and Revolt: Pigeons, Mules, Canals, and the Vanishing Geographies of Subversive Mobility.
Ureta, Sebastian. 2015. Assembling Policy: Transantiago, Human Devices, and the Dream of a World-Class Society.
Embodied mobilities
Balay, Anne. 2018. Semi Queer: Inside the World of Gay, Trans, and Black Truck Drivers.
Bissell, David. 2018. Transit Life: How Commuting is Transforming Our Cities.
Carpio, Genevieve. 2019. Collisions at the Crossroads: How Place and Mobility Make Race.
Chowdhury, Romit. 2023. City of Men: Masculinities and Everyday Morality on Public Transport.
Larsen, Jonas. 2021. Urban Marathons: Rhythms, Places, Mobilities.
Miller, Douglas. 2019. Indians on the Move: Native American Mobility and Urbanization in the Twentieth Century.
Vannini, Phillip. 2012. Ferry Tales: Mobility, Place, and Time on Canada’s West Coast.
Zavestoski, Stephen and Agyeman, Julian. 2015. Incomplete Streets: Processes, Practices, and Possibilities.
Uneven mobilities
Bedi, Tarini. 2020. Mumbai Taximen: Autobiographies and Automobilities in India.
Cresswell, Tim. 2006. On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World.
Lugo, Adonia. 2018. Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance.
Monroe, Kristin. 2016. The Insecure City: Space, Power, and Mobility in Beirut.
Sorin, Gretchen. 2020. Driving While Black: African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights.